Saturday, April 12, 2014


After some research and a hour or two scrolling through Instagram ( I will link the websites and Instagram accounts below) I decided on the style of yoga I want to pursue and a few different websites with instructors who post their videos online!! The style of yoga I settled on is called Ashtanga, it is described as the most rigorous form of yoga which is a little bit scary but really exciting at the same time. The definition of Ashtanga is (ashta)-meaing limb and (anga)- meaning practice, this refers to yogas "eight limb practice". The eight limbs include the practice of: restraint, observance, posture, breath control, sense withdrawal, concentration, meditative absorption, and "enstasy". Enstasy is the definition the word samadhi which literally means to "put together" or "stand inside of". The instructor that I found on Instagram also has a blog of her own with different sections one about the "physical journey" and another about the "spiritual journey" which is an idea I might use to document my journey as well! I do have to say that at first all the different styles of yoga and the names of poses and "spiritual journey"-ness of yoga was a lot to take in, but once I finally sat down and tried to actually understand these people and their interpretations of everything, it was no longer scary but exciting and only makes me want to read more and sign up for my first class (:



  1. I also found the fitness instructor that I am using workouts from for my 20 time on Instagram! I feel looking up videos or following Instagram videos is a great way to find workouts without having to spend a ton of money. I think its awesome that you've chosen to do a more rigorous form of yoga rather than some super easy poses. How often and when do you do yoga? I hope you're enjoying you're 20 time project and achieving all of the goals you have set for yourself. I look forward to learning more about yoga through your blog, Good luck!

    1. Im trying to do yoga almost every day whether its just a few poses at night or a sun salutation in the morning! I have found some online classes to keep me going until I have time to make it to a real class, but I can already see the progress! I hope I can teach you everything I learn with the same excitement and passion I have for learning it! Good luck to you too (:
